My Husband and I have been married 30 years. To this union we were blessed with 5 children, 13 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.
And yes, we believe we knew exactly, what a husband/wife and their duties were. We had a very good marriage until our church was invited to attend a By Way Of The Cross (BWOTC) marriage course called Your Marriage Has Been Redeemed. There, we were introduced to marriage according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Being a part of these sessions we learned the depths of true love, the spiritual love that binds us together to create an everlasting love. The way that Christ so loved the Church. Now we can truly say we have a great marriage. We know what it means to be one in flesh and spirit. Love Always. (Charles and Phyllis Burston)
My wife and I feel that By Way Of the Cross (BWOTC), Your Marriage Has Been Redeemed, is a good form of preventive maintenance. The benefit of session 4 “Blended Family” Your Marriage Has Been Redeemed Level 2 answered my wife’s prayer to know how to behave in our recently blended family. Thank you. (DeRon and Danielle Ellis)
By Way Of The Cross (BWOTC) has been a great inspiration for us. We have a great and loving marriage going on 14 years. Going to the Your Marriage Has Been Redeemed sessions has inspired us to continue to date each other like we use to. My husband says the sessions inspired him to love and cherish me even more than he did before. The sessions were fun, exciting and we looked forward to each one. We now use the tools that were taught to us to help keep our marriage fresh and blessed. Be Blessed. (Calvin and Andrea Williams)
The class (BWOTC – Your Marriage Has Been Redeemed) has really opened our eyes about the role of a husband and wife according to the word of God. We are walking daily with these principles and focused on pleasing each other. Submitting ourselves to one another. This was an excellent class and we encourage ALL married couples to join! (Darren and Danielle Brooks)
It has been an absolute blessing working through the structure of BWOTC. The Jamison’s are a genuine couple who speak the truth with great intentions. That’s exactly what we needed. We are striving to have our marriage exemplify our Father and His relationship to the church. BWOTC has helped bring us closer to our mark. We have been equipped with a vast array of tools and resources. Their one-on-one teachings from a woman and man perspective have enriched our lives. If we are in need of prayer, or an opinion from an experienced couple, Mom and Pop Jamison are always a phone call away. If need be, on their way. They are indeed two very special people with a passion and drive after God’s own heart. Their eagerness to assist and individually support us has been nothing short of remarkable. The Lord has allowed them to have victory over many trials and circumstances that tested their love for Him and their faith in Him. Because of their dedication to Jesus and His word, He has gifted them in helping others to obtain that very same victory. Praise God! We are stronger and more aware of the war we are in with the enemy, and not each other. We love and understand one another much more because of Jesus working through His beloved vessels, The Jamison’s.
We love you both very much. We appreciate all of the unmerited love and support you have given us.
Thank you for allowing the Lord to continuously use you. (Robert and Shanetta Herron)
In this day and age so many people want to throw in the towel when something goes wrong in their marriage not knowing that if they would put God first, marriages could be saved. Stanley & Francine Jamison have come together to help other married couples learn how to work as one, to listen and communicate with one another.
The reason my husband and I decided to take their class is because we have a blended family and the Jamison’s were able to help us see there’s no such thing as his child, my child, they are our children. Once we realized that we were able to be better parents. Having a blended family has had its challenges but being able to talk with other married couples going through the same thing, it was good knowing we were not alone.
It takes special people to want to open up and tell you about personal ups and downs in hopes to help other married couples, and we thank GOD for the Jamison’s. (Roger and Tasha Cato)